PEACHTREE CITY, USA – Nourhan Ghanem, a government sales intern at Aventure Aviation, has received a GeorgiaBEST Elite certification for demonstrating the critical soft skills required to be successful in the workplace.
A junior at Whitewater High School in Fayette County, she has been able to intern at Aventure since January by participating in the Fayette County (Georgia) School’s Work-Based Learning (WBL) and Youth Apprenticeship Program. The GeorgiaBEST (Business Ethics Student Training) program was developed by the Georgia Department of Labor to address the concerns of businesses who found that many new hires lacked the soft skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce.
“Nourhan has done an excellent job of honing her employability skills, thanks to her internship at Aventure Aviation and through the Work-Based Learning program,” said Virginia Gibbs, Coordinator of Innovative Partnerships, Work-Based Learning and Youth Apprenticeships for the Fayette County Board of Education.
“Receiving the certification is a statewide recognition that she has demonstrated proficiency in ten key soft skills such as communication, attitude and respect, teamwork, time management, punctuality and good work habits,” Mrs. Gibbs continued. “She will not only have academic credentials when she graduates from high school, but also the soft skills that will set her apart in today’s competitive job market.”
“I would not have reached the skills possible to complete this certification had it not been for Aventure Aviation, so I owe them all thanks,” said Ms. Ghanem.