WASHINGTON, DC – Aventure attended the U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAACC) “CelebrASIAN Business + Procurement Conference 2022” held May 25–27 in Washington, DC.
USPAACC was founded in 1984 with the mission to be the gateway to corporate and government contracts, Pan Asian American suppliers, information about Asian Americans and the Asia-Pacific and Indian Subcontinent markets.
This conference is America’s largest and longest-running business development conference convened by Pan Asian Americans. For over 36 years, CelebrASIAN has been creating, sustaining and energizing thousands of partnerships among corporate America, government agencies in the federal, state, and local levels, large nonprofits, the Pan Asian American, and other minority and diverse enterprises.
“We attended insightful sessions and one-on-one meetings with others in our industry,” said Talha Faruqi, President of Aventure Aviation. “USPAACC is a very important organization for Aventure and we pride ourselves on being a member.”